1000M Ethernet port protection

一、Scheme protection circuit diagram



二、Application background

1. Switch/Router

2. POE

3. Network printer

4. Intelligent Transportation System

5. Other devices with Ethernet port

三、Explanation of the plan

1. The scheme uses TSS solid discharge tube for common mode surge protection. The scheme of TSS used for the center contact is more stable than the gas discharge tube, and the differential mode surge protection is realized by the TVS dedicated to the network port.

2. TVS1-TVS4 select the special device OVEL832A1 for network port, the anti-static ability is ±25KV for air; ±25KV for contact;

3. Anti-surge level: GB_T17626.5 (IEC61000-4-5) differential mode 2K, common mode 4K;